Petrus di Roma

Started by Nick_zhou2468, Apr 01, 2022, 05:07 AM

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Quote from: DEO Gratia on Apr 14, 2022, 01:01 PMsabar Abah ... klo langsung rame kelimpungan juga milih² topik yg mau dibahas WA086
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DEO Gratia

sabar Abah ... klo langsung rame kelimpungan juga milih² topik yg mau dibahas WA086
WA112 ꧋ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦺꦴꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦠꦶ  WA003


Ternyata dagangan sepi ya ...  WA065

DEO Gratia

WA112 ꧋ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦺꦴꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦠꦶ  WA003


Quote from: DEO Gratia on Apr 01, 2022, 05:36 PMklo ada dokumennya (Church Father's Writings) boleh juga di upload Abah..

Biar tambah banyak , dikutipkan aja sebisanya ya Aa Deo :

St Irenaeus, "Against Heresies", 3,1,1, 180 A.D., J208
" their own dialect, while Peter and Paul were evangelizing at Rome, and laying the foundations of the Church."
St Irenaeus, "Against Heresies", chapter III,
"...the very ancient, and universally known Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and Paul; as also [by pointing out] the faith preached to men, which comes down to our time by means of the successions of the bishops."

Eusebius, "History of the Church", 2,14,6, 300 A.D., J651dd
In the same reign of Claudius, the all-good and gracious providence which watches over all things guided Peter, the great and mighty one among the Apostles, who, because of his virtue, was the spokesman for all the others, to Rome."

Tertullian, "The demurrer against the heretics", chapter XXXII,1,
" the church of the Romans where Clement was ordained by Peter."
Who has the authority to ordain priests? Only Bishops do. Clement was ordained by the Bishop of Rome, Peter.

Saint Peter of Alexandria, "The Canonical Letter", canon 9, 306 A.D.
"Peter, the first chosen of the Apostles, having been apprehended often and thrown into prison and treated with ignominy, at last was crucified in Rome."

Eusebius, "The Chronicle" Ad An.Dom 68, J651cc
"Nero is the first, in addition to all his other crimes, to make a persecution against the Christians, in which Peter and Paul died gloriously in Rome."

Eusebius, "History of the Church", 3,2, 300 A.D., J652a
"After the martyrdom of Paul and Peter, Linus was the first appointed to the Episcopacy of the Church at Rome."
Lactantius, "Of the manner in which the persecutors died":
This letter is addressed to Donatus. It not only shows that Peter was actually in Rome, but that he died there also at the hands of Nero. Chapter II. "His apostles were at that time eleven in number, to whom were added Matthias, in the room of the traitor Judas, and afterwards Paul. Then were they dispersed throughout all the earth to preach the Gospel, as the Lord their Master had commanded them; and during twenty-five years, and until the beginning of the reign of the Emperor Nero, they occupied themselves in laying the foundations of the Church in every province and city. And while Nero reigned, the Apostle Peter came to Rome, and, through the power of God committed unto him, wrought certain miracles, and, by turning many to the true religion, built up a faithful and steadfast temple unto the Lord. When Nero heard of those things, and observed that not only in Rome, but in every other place, a great multitude revolted daily from the worship of idols, and, condemning their old ways, went over to the new religion, he, an execrable and pernicious tyrant, sprung forward to raze the heavenly temple and destroy the true faith. He it was who first persecuted the servants of God; he crucified Peter, and slew Paul: nor did he escape with impunity; for God looked on the affliction of His people; and therefore the tyrant, bereaved of authority, and precipitated from the height of empire, suddenly disappeared, and even the burial-place of that noxious wild beast was nowhere to be seen."

Saint Damasus I, "The Decree of Damasus" 3, 382 A.D., J910u
"The first see, therefore, is that of Peter the Apostle, that of the Roman Church, which has neither stain nor blemish nor anything like it."

Saint Augustine, "Letter to Generosus", 53,1,2, 400 A.D., J1418
"If the very order of episcopal succession is to be considered, how much more surely, truly, and safely do we number them from Peter himself, to whom, as to one representing the whole Church, the Lord said: "Upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not conquer it."
Has anyone ever considered archaeological evidence?
I have presented much authentic documentation that Peter was indeed in Rome, so now let us look at the physical evidence.
Peter's tomb has been found. It was found under the altar of St. Peters Basilica in Rome in 1965. The tomb is plainly marked with his name and there are human remains within it. Anyone who visits St. Peters can see the tomb for himself
Other early writings which show that Peter was indeed in Rome...

Dionysius of Corinth in his letter to the 12th Pope Soter in 170 A.D.
Clement of Corinth in his letter to the Corinthians in 70 A.D.
Peter of Alexandria, in his work called 'Penance' in 311.
St Ignatius of Antioch, in his letter to the Romans, about 107.
I have presented several early Church writings in this letter, and there are many others to show that Peter was indeed in Rome, that he and Paul founded the Church there, that he was the first Bishop of Rome, now called the Pope, and that he died there.
For those who charge that Peter was never in Rome, I challenge them to provide genuine historical documents as proof of support for their position. If they have no genuine proof of what they charge, then they have only false charges.

Here are a few books for reference...
'The Bones of St. Peter', by John Walsh.
'Catholicism and Fundamentalism', by Karl Keating, pg 204-205.
'Radio Replies', by Frs. Rumble and Carty, Vol I-370.
'Faith of the Early Fathers', by William A. Jurgens.


Quote from: DEO Gratia on Apr 01, 2022, 05:36 PMklo ada dokumennya (Church Father's Writings) boleh juga di upload Abah..

tambahan lagi :

Eusebius wrote in "The Chronicle" (Ad An Dom 42), that Peter, after establishing the Church in Antioch, went to Rome where he remained as Bishop of Rome for 25 years. We know from other early writings that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome in 67 A.D.. That date, minus 25 years would put him in Rome in the year 42, during the reign of Claudius. Again, this charge can be dismissed for the same reasons given already, that the Church was forced to practice the faith in an underground situation in order to avoid persecution. The Romans had a policy of hunting down and persecuting all of the Apostles.


Quote from: DEO Gratia on Apr 01, 2022, 05:36 PMklo ada dokumennya (Church Father's Writings) boleh juga di upload Abah..

Ini salah satunya Aa Deo :
Rasul-rasul yang kudus (Petrus dan Paulus), setelah mendirikan dan membangun Gereja (Katolik di Roma), menyerahkan kursi keuskupan kepada Linus. Paulus menyebutkan tentang Linus ini dalam surat kepada Timotius (2 Timotius 4:21). Dia digantikan oleh Anacletus, dan setelahnya, pada urutan ketiga dari para Rasul, Clement diangkat sebagai uskup. Dia telah bertemu muka dengan para Rasul yang kudus dan bersama-sama mereka. Boleh dikatakan bahwa dia masih mendengar gema kotbah para Rasul, dan menyaksikan tradisi-tradisi mereka dengan mata kepalanya sendiri. Dan tidak hanya dia, karena masih ada banyak lagi yang lain, yang telah diajarkan langsung oleh para Rasul.
...Setelah Clement, Evaristus menggantikan, dan Alexander menggantikan Evaristus. Lalu, yang keenam setelah Rasul, Sixtus diangkat, setelahnya Telesphorus, yang juga menjadi martir dengan mulia. Lalu Hyginus, dan setelahnya, Pius, dan setelahnya Anicetus. Soter menggantikan Anicetus, dan sekarang, di tempat kedua-belas setelah Rasul, kedudukan uskup jatuh kepada Eleutherus. Dalam urutan ini, dan melalui ajaran para Rasul yang diteruskan dalam Gereja, kotbah kebenaran telah sampai kepada kita. (Santo Irenaeus, uskup Lyons, Perancis. Lahir tahun 140 - wafat tahun 202. Salah satu Bapa Gereja.)

DEO Gratia

Quote from: saulus on Apr 01, 2022, 09:36 AMTerkadang istilah Babilon ini dipermasalahkan, tetapi untunglah ada cukup tulisan bapa-bapa gereja awal yang menunjukkan , memang Petruslah yang pertama membentuk jemaat Roma, Gereja Roma
klo ada dokumennya (Church Father's Writings) boleh juga di upload Abah.. 
WA112 ꧋ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦺꦴꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦠꦶ  WA003

DEO Gratia


Quote bisa diedit shg hanya menampilkan bagian yg hendak di reply saja..

WA112 ꧋ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦺꦴꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦠꦶ  WA003

DEO Gratia

mulai lancar..

gud marsoguud...
WA112 ꧋ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦺꦴꦫꦺꦴ ꦏꦼꦕꦶꦥꦼ ꦠ꧀ꦩꦠꦶ  WA003


Quote from: saulus on Apr 01, 2022, 09:36 AM
Quote from: Nick_zhou2468 on Apr 01, 2022, 05:07 AMJejak kedua datang dari surat St. Pettrus yang pertama di mana tertulis : Salam kepada kamu sekalian dari kawanmu yang terpilih yang di Babilon, dan juga dari Markus, anakku. (1 Petrus 5:14). Babilon adalah nama samaran dari kota Roma dan St. Petrus menulis surat ini ketika di penjara.

Terkadang istilah Babilon ini dipermasalahkan, tetapi untunglah ada cukup tulisan bapa-bapa gereja awal yang menunjukkan , memang Petruslah yang pertama membentuk jemaat Roma, Gereja Roma

Makasih pak Saulus.


Quote from: Nick_zhou2468 on Apr 01, 2022, 05:07 AMJejak kedua datang dari surat St. Pettrus yang pertama di mana tertulis : Salam kepada kamu sekalian dari kawanmu yang terpilih yang di Babilon, dan juga dari Markus, anakku. (1 Petrus 5:14). Babilon adalah nama samaran dari kota Roma dan St. Petrus menulis surat ini ketika di penjara.

Terkadang istilah Babilon ini dipermasalahkan, tetapi untunglah ada cukup tulisan bapa-bapa gereja awal yang menunjukkan , memang Petruslah yang pertama membentuk jemaat Roma, Gereja Roma



Jejak St. Petrus di Roma meskipun samar -samar tercatat dalam Kitab Suci. .

Jejak pertama ada di Kisah Para Rasul yang menuliskan sebagai berikut: Di situ kami berjumpa dengan anggota-anggota jemaat, dan atas undangan mereka kami tinggal tujuh hari bersama-sama mereka. Sesudah itu kami berangkat ke Roma. Saudara-saudara yang di sana telah mendengar tentang hal ihwal kami dan mereka datang menjumpai kami sampai ke Forum Apius dan Tres Taberne. Ketika Paulus melihat mereka, ia mengucap syukur kepada Allah lalu kuatlah hatinya. Setelah kami tiba di Roma, Paulus diperbolehkan tinggal dalam rumah sendiri bersama-sama seorang prajurit yang mengawalnya. (Kisah Para Rasul 28:14-16). Ada indikasi sebelum Paulus  ke Roma, jemaat di sana sudah terbentuk. Jelas ada yang mrmbentuk dan memimpin Gereja di Roma dan jelas bukan oleh orang sembarangan. Siapakah orang ini? Dialah St. Petrus yang diberi amanat penggembalaan umat Kristiani oleh Sang Kristus sendiri. Bukahkah St. Petrus memimpin Gereja di Yerusalem?  Pada awalnya iya tapi Yerusalem dihancurkan  oleh tentara kerajaan  Romawi tahun 70M. Lalu St. Petrus melakukan perjalanan ke Antiokhia kemudian dilanjutkan ke Roma, menetap dan memgalami kemartiran di sana.

Kenapa kisah perjalanan St. Petrus ini tidak tercatat dalam Kisah Para Rasul? Karena St. Lukas yang menulis kitab ini adalah murid dari St Paulus. Tentu yang ditulis adalah menurut sudut pandang dari St. Paulus yang diikuti perjalanannya oleh St. Lukas.

Jejak kedua datang dari surat St. Pettrus yang pertama di mana tertulis : Salam kepada kamu sekalian dari kawanmu yang terpilih yang di Babilon, dan juga dari Markus, anakku. (1 Petrus 5:14). Babilon adalah nama samaran dari kota Roma dan St. Petrus menulis surat ini ketika di penjara.