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Pengetahuan Kristen / Liturgi Suci Menurut Rasul Yak...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Jun 27, 2024, 10:01 AM
Anaphora dari St. James
Uskup pertama dari Yerusalem (AD +61)

Doa dari Ciuman Perdamaian 

Orang yang merayakannya, dengan tangannya tersungkur, berkata dengan suara nyaring: "Ya Allah dan Tuhan semua, anggaplah diri kita yang tidak layak ini layak untuk keselamatan ini, sehingga tanpa rasa bersalah dan bersatu oleh ikatan cinta, kita dapat menyapa satu sama lain dengan ciuman yang kudus dan ilahi dan dapat mengangkat kemuliaan dan syukur kepada-Mu dan kepada Putra-Mu yang tunggal dan kepada Roh-Mu Yang kudus, yang baik, yang penuh kasih, yang memberi hidup dan yang konsisten, sekarang, selamanya dan selama-lamanya.

Umat: Amin Barekhmor

Untuk merayakan : Damai bagi kalian semua.

Umat: Dan bersama rohmu.

Dikatakan Barekhmor. Mari kita memberikan kedamaian satu sama lain, masing-masing kepada sesamanya dengan ciuman yang kudus dan ilahi, dalam kasih Tuhan dan Allah kita.

Jadikanlah kami layak, ya Tuhan dan Tuhan, untuk kedamaian ini sepanjang hidup kita.

Setelah damai yang kudus dan ilahi ini yang telah diberikan, marilah kita merendahkan kepala kita di hadapan Tuhan yang penuh belas kasihan.

"Sesungguhnya sebelum Engkau, Tuhan kami dan Allah kami.

"Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, Engkau yang tinggal di tempat yang tinggi dan memandang perkara-perkara yang paling rendah hati, berilah berkat kepada orang-orang yang telah menundukkan kepala mereka di hadapan-Mu, dan berilah mereka berkat oleh anugerah Putra-Mu yang tunggal, yang dengan Engkau ada kemuliaan, kehormatan dan kekuasaan dengan RohMu yang kudus, yang baik, yang mengasihi, yang memberi hidup dan yang konsisten, sekarang dan selama-lamanya.

Umat : AMEN

Orang yang merayakannya berkata, "Ya Allah Bapa, yang karena kasih-Mu yang besar kepada umat manusia, telah mengutus Anak-Mu ke dalam dunia untuk membawa kembali domba-domba yang telah tersesat. Janganlah Engkau menolak, ya Tuhanku, upacara pengorbanan yang tak berdarah ini, karena kami tidak bergantung kepada keadilan kami, melainkan kepada rahmat-Mu. Biarlah Misteri ini, yang ditubuhkan untuk keselamatan kita, bukan untuk penghakiman kita, tetapi untuk pengampunan dosa-dosa kita dan untuk mengucap syukur kepada-Mu dan kepada Putra-Mu yang tunggal dan kepada RohMu yang kudus, baik, penyayang, memberi hidup dan konsubstan, sekarang, selalu dan selama-lamanya.

Umat : AMEN

Last post by DEO Gratia - Apr 02, 2024, 01:08 PM
Fakta tentang Tithing (Persepuluhan) dalam Taurat
Diskusi Kitab Suci / Re: SHABBAT Apa saja yg disebu...
Last post by saulus - Feb 29, 2024, 06:59 AM
Mantap sekalee ...

Ternyata dari segi bahasa asli dapat digali kebenaran yang dimaksud ... lewat terjemahan terkadang tak tertangkap ... makna yang dimaksud oleh penulis ... dalam hal ini St. Paulus

Nuhun pisan Aa ... WA313 WA313
Pengetahuan Kristen / Re: Liturgi Menurut Rasul Mark...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Jan 23, 2024, 01:25 PM
The Invocation of the Holy Spirit

The celebrant waves his hands over the Mysteries, and bowing down his head, says silently:
Yea, O Lord, have mercy upon me, and hear me at this time and send, from Your high heaven, Your Holy Spirit that He may sanctify this spiritual Eucharist; the Holy Spirit Who is of one substance and honor with You, Who appeared like a dove upon Your Only-begotten Son in the Jordan River and Who rested like fiery tongues upon Your holy apostles in the Upper Room. May He also, according to the abundance of Your grace, perfect me into a chosen vessel that is fit for the service of Your honor.

The celebrant stretches out his hands and, looking upward, says aloud:
Answer me, O Lord; answer me, O Lord; answer me, O Lord; O Good One, have compassion and mercy upon me.

People: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.
The celebrant stretches out his left hand and waves his right hand over the Body and says aloud:
May He (the Holy Spirit), while blessing and sanctifying, complete this bread into the Body + + + of Christ the God.
People: Amen.
The celebrant waves his right hand over the chalice, saying:
And this cup into the Blood + + + of Christ the God
People: Amen.
The Diptychs
The celebrant, with outstretched hands, says aloud:
So that these Holy Mysteries may be for the absolution of offenses, for the forgiveness of sins, for the confidence and the shameless standing before Your awful judgment seat, for the glory and the edification of Your Holy Church and for the preservation of her children without sins forever and ever.
People: Amen.
The celebrant says silently:
Lord God, I bow down before You at this time and beseech Your compassion. Help me, save me and absolve my sins, my iniquities and all the trespasses committed by me as a man clothed in flesh. Accept from my hands this glorious and bloodless sacrifice. Exalt the horn of Your Holy Church throughout the four corners of the world. Preserve in peace and tranquillity all the days of their lives, her orthodox pastors, in particular, our Patriarch: our father Mor Ignatius and our father Mor (N),7 our father Mor Basilius8 and our prelate Mor (N)9 with the rest of all the orthodox bishops and by Your grace purify the honorable priest, the deacons and all the ranks of the altar.

Canon of the Living Fathers of the Church.
The deacon stands in the Royal Entrance and intones Canon of the Living Fathers:
Barekhmor. Let us pray and beseech our Lord and our God at this great, awful and holy time for all our fathers and leaders who are ruling over us this day and in this present life, who tend and rule the Holy Churches of God in the four corners of the world; our, venerable and blessed Patriarch: Mor Ignatius  and Mor (N), Mor Basilius and our Prelate Mor (N), that they may be confirmed by God with the rest of all the orthodox bishops. May their prayers be a stronghold for us. Let us beseech the Lord.
People: Kyrie eleison.

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Pengetahuan Kristen / Liturgi Menurut Rasul Markus (...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Jan 23, 2024, 01:18 PM
The Prayer of the Kiss of Peace1
The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
O Lord God Almighty, Who are the True and Holy Love, make us worthy, during all the days of our life, to be bound with and enjoy Your divine love. And as we give peace to one another with a holy kiss, may we become unto You a glorious and undefiled flock, free from all disgrace in Christ Jesus our Lord, Your Only-begotten Son, with Whom befit glory, honor and dominion with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever.
People: Amen. Barekhmor.
Celebrant: Peace be with you all.
People: And with your spirit.
Deacon: Barekhmor. Let us give peace to one another, everyone to his neighbor with a holy and divine kiss, in the love of our Lord and God.
People: Make us worthy, O Lord and God, of this peace all the days of our lives.
Deacon: After this holy and divine peace which has been given, let us once again bow down our heads before the merciful Lord.
People: Before You, our Lord and our God.
The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
Before You, O Lord, we have bowed the necks of our souls and bodies, entreating and beseeching Your compassion that You may grant us the riches of Your grace and kindness. And may Your pity and help sustain us all the days of our lives by the grace, mercy and love toward mankind of Your Only-begotten Son with Whom befit You glory and honor with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever.
People: Amen.
The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
O God the Holy Father, Who sent Your Only-begotten Son for the salvation of us, weak sinners and miserable ones, and by His Lordly Blood, He brought us back, we who were lost, to Your spiritual fold; we entreat You, O Lord, to accept from the hands of us sinners, this fearful and bloodless sacrifice and through it pardon the sins and the transgressions which have been committed by us through Your grace and the goodness of the will of Your only-begotten Son with Whom befit You glory and honor with Your Holy Spirit, now, always and forever.
People: Amen.
The celebrant waves the shushefo (veil) over the elements.
Deacon: Barekhmor. Let us stand well, let us stand with fear, let us stand with modesty, purity and holiness and let us all stand, my brethren, in love and true faith. Let us intelligently behold, with the fear of God, this awesome and Holy Eucharist which is being set before us by this reverend priest2 who, in peace and tranquillity, offers this living sacrifice on behalf of us all to God the Father, Lord of all.
People: Mercy, peace and a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
The celebrant lifts up the shushefo (veil) and waves it three times over the elements, saying in a low voice:3
You are the hard rock which sent forth twelve rivers of water for the twelve tribes of Israel. You are the hard rock which was set against the tomb of our Savior.
The celebrant puts his left hand on the altar, turns to the people and blesses them, saying:4
The love of God the Father +, the grace of the Only-begotten Son + and the fellowship and descent of the Holy Spirit + be with you all, my brethren, forever.
People: Amen. And with your spirit.
The celebrant, extending and elevating his hands, says aloud:
Upward, where Christ sits on the right hand of God the Father, let our thoughts, minds and hearts be at this hour.
People: They are with the Lord God.
Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord in awe.
People: It is meet and right.
The celebrant bows down his head, waves his hands over the elements, and says in a low voice:
Truly, all glory, all thanksgiving, all praise, all exaltation and all honor befit You, O Maker of all things, God the Father, with Your Only-begotten Son and with Your Holy Spirit.
The celebrant stretches out his hands and says aloud:
In truth, O Lord, the angels, archangels, principalities, rulers, thrones, dominions, incorporeal power, the cherubim and the seraphim all bless, glorify, praise and honor You with all the heavenly orders hailing, shouting and crying with one consent and saying:
People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; heaven and earth are full of His glories. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He Who came and will come in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
The celebrant, waving his hands over the elements, prays silently:
Holy, holy, holy are You, O Father Almighty, with the Son Who is of You and Your Holy Spirit. You, while we were lost due to the transgression of the commandment, did sent Your Only-begotten Son for our help, and by His redemptive passions brought us back to our former inheritance and redeemed us by His Divine Blood.
The celebrant takes the host from the paten with his right hand. He puts it on the palm of his  left hand, and raising his eyes skyward, says aloud:
When He, by His grace, came to the passion in the flesh for our sake, He, in Whom there is no sin, took bread in His Holy hands, looked toward heaven and gave thanks. He blessed + + and sanctified + and broke and said to his disciples: This is My Body; take, eat for your propitiation and that of all the true faithful and for everlasting life.
People: Amen.
The celebrant takes the chalice with both hands, then he holds it with his left hand and makes over it the sign of the Cross three times. Then he puts the second finger of his right hand on its edge and tilts it crosswise, saying:
Likewise, also the cup blended with wine and water; He gave thanks, blessed + + and sanctified + and gave to His holy disciples, and said: This is My Blood of the New Covenant; take, drink of it all of you for your propitiation and that of all the true faithful and for everlasting life.
People: Amen.
The celebrant takes the gomouro5 from the northern side with his left hand; then he takes the spoon from the southern side with his right hand and puts it on the gomouro. He now raises them with his right hand to remind the faithful of the Lord's second coming, which will be like a flash of lightning, and puts them on the southern side. Then he places the sponge on the northern side and says aloud:
Whenever you fulfill these My commandments, preach My death and My resurrection until I come.6
People: Your death, our Lord, we commemorate, Your resurrection we confess and Your second coming we wait for. May Your mercy be upon us all.
The celebrant, with crossed hands, says aloud:
Our Lord Jesus Christ, remembering all Your redemptive dispensation for our sake, namely Your conception, Your birth, Your holy baptism, Your redeeming passion,Your life-giving death, Your burial for three days, Your glorious resurrection, Your ascension into heaven, Your sitting at the right hand of God the Father and Your fearful, awful and lordly coming in which You will judge everyone according to his deeds; we entreat You, O Lord, in that awe inspiring hour and at that time of fearfulness and trembling, to save us and have mercy upon us by Your compassion. Absolve our debts by Your grace, forgive our sins by Your mercy and blot out our iniquities by Your holy hyssop. On account of this, Your Church and Your flock beseech You, and with You and through You to Your Father, saying:
People: Have mercy upon us, O God, Father Almighty. We glorify You, we bless You, we worship You and we beseech You. O Lord our God, have compassion and mercy upon us, O Good One.
The celebrant, stretching out his hands at equal level and gazing upward, says silently:
We also, O Lord, Your weak and sinful servants, offer You thanksgiving and acknowledge You all and for all.
People: We glorify You, we bless You, we worship You, O Lord God, and we beseech You for mercy. Have mercy upon us.
Deacon: Barekhmor, How awful is this hour and how dreadful is this moment, my beloved, wherein the Holy Spirit from the topmost heights takes wing and descents and hovers and rests upon this Eucharist here present and sanctifies it. Be in calm and awe, while standing and praying. Pray that peace may be with us and for all of us tranquillity.
People: May peace be with us and tranquillity to all of us.

Pengetahuan Kristen / Pengakuan Syropolous & Mark of...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Jan 10, 2024, 12:46 PM
Kutipan bahasa Yunani dari Memoirs Syropoulus yang menfisahkan kejadian di Konsili Florence. Syropoulus, yang anti-unionist, menuliskan bagaimana Mark of Ephesus dan delegasi Yunani lainnya menyatakan bahwa Konsili Florence adalah konsili Ekumenis. Terjemahan Indonesia, lihat reply di bawah.

Terjemahan dari Memoirs-nya Syropoulus

Marcos Eugenicos alias Mark of Ephesus menyatakan bahwa Konsili Florence, yang ditolak Orthodox, adalah Konsili Ekumenis.

Sumber : Agus Pare@FB
Pengetahuan Kristen / Re: Liturgi menurut Rasul Yako...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Dec 25, 2023, 06:02 PM

96:1 The Anaphora of St. James may be used on all occasions, but is obligatory on the following occasions:

All the festivals of the Church.
At the ordination of deacons and priests and the consecration of a bishop or patriarch.
At the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, for the first time, by a newly ordained priest.
At the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, for the first time, at any church.
96:2 The kiss of peace is a practice that goes back to apostolic times. St. Paul says: "Greet one another with a holy kiss." (II Corinthians 13.12)

98:1 If the celebrant is a bishop, the deacon says: "this honorable prelate."

98:2 The celebrant folds the shushefo and encircles it around the elements twice from north to south and once vice-versa. Then he kisses it and puts it on the altar to his left-hand side. He then takes the star and places it at his left-hand side.

100:1 The celebrant puts his right hand on the altar board and takes power from the Mysteries. He first signs himself, facing forward, then toward the north, toward the south and then he turns and crosses the people three times.

102:1 Gomouro is a small pillow stuffed with cotton.

102:2 Here he raises high the gomouro and the spoon, to remind the faithful of the Lord's second coming which will happen like a flash of lightning.

108:1 The Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria.

108:2 The Catholicos of the East.

108:3 The prelate of the diocese.

108:4 On mentioning the names of the living Fathers of the Church, the celebrant makes the sign of the Cross with his right thumb on the altar board.

110:1 He mentions the names of the sick, the penitents and all the living for whom the sacrifice is offered. On mentioning each name, he makes the sign of the Cross with his right thumb on the altar to the right of the altar board.

112:1 The celebrant here mentions the President and those who are in authority in the country. As he mentions the names, he makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the altar board.

114:1 On mentioning the name of the Virgin Mary, he makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the upper rim of the paten. As he mentions the names of the other saints, he makes the sign of the Cross on the lower rim of the paten.

116:1 On mentioning the names of the Fathers of the Church, the celebrant makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the left rim of the paten.

118:1 Hermits who lived alone for religious meditation.

118:2 On mentioning the names of the departed for whom the Eucharist is offered, the celebrant draws the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand on the right rim of the paten. Then he signs the chalice, the paten, the tablitho and the book.

120:1 The thurifer washes his fingertips, folds the shushefo and puts it on the northern side of the altar.

126:1 Mar Dionysius Bar Salibi was the Bishop of Amid (Diyarbakir, in modern Turkey).

126:2 The breaking of the sacrificial bread is performed in two patterns, i.e., the pattern of the Lamb and the pattern of the Crucifixion. The first pattern is preformed from Maundy Thursday till Ascension Thursday, while the second pattern is preformed during the rest of the year.

126:3 When the celebrant says, "He rose from the tomb", he should hold the host between his two hands and raise it high to declare the Lord's resurrection from the tomb.

132:1 The celebrant carries the paten with his hands over the tablitho. He encircles it twice, from west to east and moves it once, in the shape of the Cross, from east to west and from north to south, and puts it back on the tablitho. He then carries the chalice and elevates it over the tablitho in a similar fashion, finally tilting it in the form of a cross. Then he puts it back on the tablitho.

136:1 According to early tradition, the sermon was to be given immediately following the reading of the Gospel.

136:2 Here mention is made of the saint after whom the particular church is named or of the saint whose feast is celebrated.

138:1 Variable to suit the festival of the day.

138:2 Bourktho, the blessed bread, is made of the same dough as the Eucharistic bread, but is not consecrated. It is blessed by the celebrant and distributed to the faithful at the end of the Liturgy.

140:1 'Gmourto' in Syriac means the particles of the Eucharist and alludes to the burning coal of Isaiah 6:6. The live coals on the altar symbolize our Lord Jesus Christ.

146:1 The priest, with his left hand on the altar, his left foot on the altar step and his right foot down, takes power from the Mysteries by touching the chalice, paten and tablitho with his right hand and blesses the faithful by drawing the sign of the Cross three times.

148:1 The faithful bless themselves by kissing the Holy Gospel. Each one then takes a piece of the bourktho, the blessed bread, and eats it. If a prelate is present, the faithful kiss his hand cross.

Pengetahuan Kristen / Re: Liturgi menurut Rasul Yako...
Last post by Andre Fantioz - Dec 25, 2023, 05:58 PM
Another Prayer
Your pure and holy mouth, O Lord, promised and said: He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will abide in Me, and I in him; and I will raise him on the last day. We, who have eaten Your Holy Body and have drunk Your Atoning Blood, O Lord, may it not be for judgment and condemnation to me and to Your faithful people, but for the absolution of offenses, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection from the dead and for confidence before Your dreadful judgment seat, our Lord and our God, forever.
While the celebrant consumes the Body, he intones Psalm 23:
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to rest in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valleys of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your star they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
The celebrant holds the paten over the chalice with his left hand, and drops the particles into the chalice with his right thumb, saying:
If there be a particle remaining, it remains to Your knowledge that created the worlds; if there be a remaining portion, O God, be its Guardian and to me be the Absolver and Forgiver.
The celebrant consumes the particles that are in the chalice with the spoon, saying:
O Christ our God, may the living fire of Your Body and Your Precious Blood quench the flames of fire and the dreadful and violent tortures from my limbs and from the souls and bodies of the faithful departed who have been clothed with You from water and the Spirit. Call and raise them on the last day and make them stand at Your right-hand side, our Lord and our God, forever.
The celebrant consumes the Blood and says Psalm 116:12-19:
What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all the people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. O Lord, truly I am Your servant; I am Your servant, and me son of Your handmaid; You have loosed my bonds. I will offer to You the sacrifices of thanksgiving and call upon the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord now in the presence of all the people, in the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of You, O Jerusalem.
Another Prayer
O Good One, Who came down and had His side pierced on Golgotha, by the Blood and water that flowed out from Your side, quench my thirst; O Son of God, Who on being sacrificed, redeemed the vanquished, by Your living sacrifice put an end to my sufferings and heal my sicknesses.
After consuming the elements in the chalice, the celebrant washes the paten with water from the mshamshonitho and pours the water into the chalice. He then dips the fingers of his tight hand twice.
The first time he recites:
My lips shall utter Your glory and my mouth Your thanks.
The second time he says:
By the nails in Your hands and feet and by the spear which pierced Your side, pardon me all that I have sinned against You.
He then dips the fingers of his left hand once, saying:
Keep me, O Lord, from all harm. Let Your right hand help me and preserve me from all the works of the left (evil works).
When he drinks the water from the chalice, he shall say Psalm 36: 8-11:
They shall flourish with the richness of Your house; and You shall give them to drink of the pleasant water of Your spring. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light shall we see light. O continue Your loving-kindness unto them that know You, and Your righteousness to the upright in heart. Let not the foot of pride come against us; and let not the hand of the wicked remove us. For there the workers of iniquity will fall; they will be cast down and will not be able to rise.
When the celebrant wipes the chalice, paten and rest with the sponge, he shall say the following supplication of St. Ephrem:
Wipe away, O Lord, with the sponge of Your compassion, all my debts, and remember not, O Merciful One, the sins that I have committed before You. O Christ the King, our Life-giver, I have administered Your Holy Mysteries; count me among the just who pleased You and the righteous who loved You. May I serve You, O Lord, in the everlasting heavenly kingdom at all times, now and forever and ever. Absolve, O Lord, absolve, O Merciful, spare us, O Merciful, the priests and deacons who offered you this sacrifice. Unceasing glory to the Lord and mercy upon you all on the day of judgment, and may the Just Judge forgive me, I, the poor sinner.
The celebrant washes his hands and says Psalm 26:
Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not waver. Prove me, O Lord and try me; examine my mind and my heart. For Your loving-kindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in Your faith. I have not sat with evil persons; neither have I associated with the detestable. I have hated the congregation of evildoers; and have not sat with the wicked. I have washed my hands clean, and I have gone around Your altar, O Lord, that I may hear the voice of Your praise and tell of all Your wondrous works. Lord, I have loved the ritual of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells. Destroy me not with sinners nor my life with bloody men, in whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. But as for me, I will walk in my integrity; save me and be merciful unto me. My foot has stood in the straight way; in the congregation will I bless the Lord.
The celebrant wipes his hands and says Psalm 29:
Bring unto the Lord the offspring of rams; bring unto the Lord glory and honor. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His Name; worship the Lord in the court of His holy temple. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; the voice of the Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; yea, the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon. He makes them also to skip like calves, Lebanon and Sirion like a young ox. The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the hinds to tremble, and uproots the forests; and in His temple everyone speaks of His glory. The Lord controls the flood; yea, the Lord sits king forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.
The celebrant removes his vestments and says a prayer for the faithful departed.
Let us all pray and implore the Lord for mercy and kindness.
Glory to Him Who by His death abolished our death and by His sacrifice for us absolved all the children of Adam. The Good One Whom we remember and praise at this time and at all feasts, times, seasons, hours and all the days of our life, now and forever and ever.
O Quickener of the dead and Restorer of the buried, receive, O Lord, the souls of Your servants for whom we have offered the oblation today. Make them dwell in the blessed mansions of Your Father with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Your beloved ones, and with all the true faithful who fell asleep in Your hope. Quicken, O Lord, and make them stand at Your right-hand side and let Your mercy descend abundantly upon us all. And we will raise glory and praise to You and to Your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.
A Hymn
Verse: Our Lord Jesus Christ:
Let not, O Lord, Your Body and Your Blood which we have received, be for us unto judgment and vengeance, but for pardoning of sins and for a standing at Your right-hand side, halleluiah, with confidence.
Verse: And You shall give them to drink of the pleasant water of Your spring.(Psalm 36:8)
Your Body which we have received, and Your Living Blood which we have drunk with faith, may they be a bridge and a passage wherewith we may be delivered from the fire and from hell, halleluiah, and inherit life.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
To You, O Christ the King, oblations are offered by the priests, Your servants. Accept them, O Good Lord, through Your compassion. And be reconciled with us by Your grace, halleluiah, and may we be pardoned by them.
From eternity to eternity. Amen.
The hands that stretched out their palms to receive the pledge from You, O Son of God, let them not be restrained by the vehemence of the flame on the last day, halleluiah, because they solemnly carried Your Body.
May this oblation, that we have offered today on behalf of Your servants and handmaids, be a sweet fragrance well-pleasing unto Your will and through Your mercies grant them, O Lord, eternal rest.
The celebrant puts on his garments and says the following eqbo:
If by the blood of animals, Moses gave life to Reuben who had sinned, how much more will the faithful departed be pardoned by the living sacrifice that has been offered on their behalf.
Then the celebrant shall say:
Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.
Our Lord have mercy upon us. Our Lord have mercy and compassion upon us. Our Lord answer us and have mercy upon us.
Glory to You, our Lord. Glory to You, our Lord. Glory to You, our hope forever.
Then he says the Lord's Prayer.
The celebrant bows before the altar three times kissing it to the middle to the right and to the left, and says:
Remain in peace, O holy altar. Remain in peace, O pardoning table.
Remain in peace, O majestic throne that carries its Master. May the Body and the Blood that I have received from you be for the remission of my offenses, for the forgiveness of my sins and for the everlasting new life, now and forever and ever. Amen.

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